Current Faculty
Dena Aufseeser
Ph.D., Associate Professor, GES Undergraduate Program Director
Research Interests: Critical Poverty Studies, Urban Geography, International Development, Children’s Geographies and Children’s Rights
Matthew E. Baker
Ph.D., Professor
Research Interests: Watershed/Riparian Ecology, Landscape Ecology, Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology, Urban Forestry, GIS and Remote Sensing
Dawn Biehler
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Research Interests: Urban and Feminist Political Ecology, Urban Environmental History, Environmental Justice, Urban Green Space, Housing Justice, Human-animal Relationships, Health Geography, Climate Change

Suzanne Braunschweig
Ph.D., Principal Lecturer, Associate GES Department Chairperson
Research Interests: Science Education, Plant Physiological Ecology, Shale Barren Endemic Plant Species, Long-Term Forest Community Dynamics

Erle C. Ellis
Ph.D., Professor
Research Interests: Global Ecology, Landscape Ecology, Biogeochemistry, Land-Use Change and Sustainable Land Management

Matthew E. Fagan
Ph.D., GIS Graduate Program Director, Associate Professor
Research Interests: Causes and Consequences of Habitat Fragmentation, Landscape Ecology, Remote Sensing and GIS, Conservation Biology, and Sustainable Land-Use

Jeffrey B. Halverson
Professor, Associate Dean of Graduate School
Research Interests: Severe Storms, Meteorology & Climatology of the Mid-Atlantic Region

Margaret B Holland
Ph.D., Associate Professor, GES Department Chair
Research Interests: Land tenure security & land relations; Forest conservation & governance; Community livelihood strategies; Climate change policy implementation

Charles Ichoku
Ph.D., Professor, Director of GESTAR II
Research Interests: Earth Observation and Climatology, Wildfires and Emissions, Atmospheric Composition and Radiation, African Environment and Water Cycle

Charles Kaylor
M.S., Lecturer & Director of GIS and Cartography Labs

Ellen Kohl
Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Environmental Justice, Environmental Governance, Intersectional Geographies, Science-Policy Interface

David Lansing
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Research Interests: Environmental Governance, Economic Geography, Political Ecology, Agriculture, Ecosystem Services

Dillon Mahmoudi
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Research Interests: Economic Geography, Critical GIS and Counter-Mapping, Urban Studies, Labor Markets, Digital Geography, Youth & Carceral Geographies

Michele Masucci
Ph.D., University System of Maryland Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development

Nancy McAllister
M.S., Lecturer
Research Interests: Avian Conservation, Community-based Watershed Restoration, Science Education
Andrew J. Miller
Ph.D., Professor
Research Interests: Hydrology, Geomorphology, Water Resources, Urban Environment
Colin Studds
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Research Interests: Animal Migration, Biogeography, Population Ecology, Quantitative Ecology

Christopher Swan
Ph.D., GES Graduate Program Director, Professor
Research Interests: Stream Ecology, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, Consumer-Resource Dynamics, Food Webs

Yolanda Valencia
Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Geographies of Latinx Migration, Critical Geographies of Race, Latinx Feminist Methods and Theory
Ron Wilson
M.S., GIS Associate Graduate Program Director
Alan Yeakley
Ph.D., Professor, Associate Dean – CAHSS
Research Interests: Ecosystem Ecology, Watershed Hydrology, with emphases on Urban Ecology and Riparian Ecosystems
Administrative Staff
Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff

In Memoriam:
Roger Dubois
Research Interests: Geomorphology, Coastal Morphology, Fluvial Morphology
Remembering Dr. Roger Dubois

Joseph School
M.A., Professional Staff Emeritus
Former Director of Cartographic Services Laboratory
Research Interest: Production Cartography