Dr. Dillon Mahmoudi on Landscape as Knowledge
Citizen Science, Racial Capitalism, and Knowledge Production
Dr. Dillon Mahmoudi on Landscape as Knowledge – Online Event
Date & Time
April 14, 2023, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Come hear our department's own Dr. Dillon Mahmoudi speak to UNC Greensboro's Department of Geography, Environment, and Sustainability on "Landscape as Knowledge: Citizen Science, Racial Capitalism, and Knowledge Production"!
Abstract: Citizen science has the potential to engage non-scientists in scientific research, thereby fostering a better understanding of science among the public. The use of citizen science as a method for collecting large amounts of data over wide geographic areas has resulted in significant advancements in precipitation models, biodiversity models, and species migration, among other fields. At the same time, new research has shown the interlinked geography between humans, society, and numerous ecological systems. What then is the geography of citizen science data? Given that society is shaped by the logics of racial capitalism, it is important to consider the implications of unmanaged citizen science projects on the science they produce. Is there potential for citizen science to inadvertently reinforce existing hierarchies of difference? To address these concerns, this talk will draw on insights from economic geography and the emerging sub-field of critical GIS to examine these relationships and ensure that citizen science can contribute to the realization of emancipatory and liberatory futures.