Daniels, Benjamin. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2024. 31640858. Catchment-Scale Rain Garden Effectiveness and Its Spatiotemporal Factors: A Case Study in Columbia, Maryland ProQuest document link. (Yeakley, 2024).
Chirico, Peter George. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2024. 31242788. Geomorphology of the Tropical Valley Bottom Landform System in the West African Savanna Landscape ProQuest document link. (Miller, 2024).
Barrett, Jaime. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2024. 30991421. Negotiating Mastitis: Animal Health Assemblages, New Ways of Seeing Disease and Hidden Frictions to Changing Antimicrobial Use Practices: ProQuest document link. (Lansing, 2024).
Argañaraz, Melisa. Care To Belong: Constructing, Negotiating, And Disrupting Latin American (Im)Migrant Youth (Un)Deservingness In A Welcoming City: ProQuest document link. Currently: ProQuest document link
Shcheglovitova, Mariya. Dead Wood: Growing, Wasting, and Harvesting Baltimore’s Urban Forest: ProQuest document link (Biehler & Lansing, 2020). Currently: Researcher, US Housing and Urban Development.
Dixon, Adam. Linking avian diversity with farms in the Iowa Corn Belt using remote sensing, collaborative passive acoustic monitoring, and farmer-habitat relationships: ProQuest document link. (Ellis, 2021).
Riddering, Laura. The Care Squeeze: An Institutional Ethnography of a Nonprofit to Investigate the Diverse Labors Undertaken “To Fight for Better” in Coffee Markets: ProQuest document link (Lansing, 2020).
Diop, Moustapha. To Formalize or Not: Investigating Drivers of Landholders’ Decisions for Land Formalization in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa, The case of Senegal: ProQuest document link (Holland, 2020).
Borowy, Dorothy Ann. Urban Metacommunities: The role of local and regional factors on plant community assembly and functional trait patterns in urban vacant land: ProQuest document link (Swan, 2020).
Voelker, Nicole. The Role of Spatial Variation in Habitat Quality and Dispersal in Maintaining Diversity and Ecosystem Function Across Spatial Scales in the Urban Hydroscape of the Baltimore Metropolitan Region: ProQuest document link (Swan, 2019).
Dupre, Sam. Coffee Leaf Rust and Smallholder Farmers in Guatemala: Livelihood Impacts, Migration, and Coping Strategies: ProQuest document link (Holland, 2018). Currently: Survey Statistician, U.S. Census Bureau.
St. Pe, Alexandra, Adjusting the Sails: Science and Policy Opportunities to Improve Offshore Wind Power Performance: ProQuest document link (Halverson, 2017)
Van Appledorn, Molly. Evaluating the nature and strength of environmental control on floodplain forest communities. (Baker 2016)
Johnson, Anna. The ecology of urban vacant lands: human-mediated local versus regional control on plant community assembly. (Swan 2015)
Dandois, Jonathan. Remote Sensing of Vegetation Structure Using Computer Vision. (Ellis, 2014). Currently: GIS Manager, Johns Hopkins University.
Lindner, Garth. Controls on Reach Scale Hydrologic Response in Urban Streams and Implications for Restoration Design: A Case Study (Miller, 2014)
Voglozin, Nohemi. Eco-geographic Patterns of Genetic Diversity of African rice, Oryza glaberrima, in Benin (West Africa). (Parker and Lewis, 2013)
Williams, Yvette. The Socio-Ecological System of Vacant Lot Management for Southwestern Baltimore Neighborhoods. (Biehler, 2013)
Magliocca, Nicholas. Using Agent-based Models as Virtual Laboratories for Exploring Human-Environment Interactions in Land-Use Systems. (Ellis, 2012). Currently: Faculty at the University of Alabama.
Prosser, Diann, Wild Birds and Emerging Diseases: Modeling Avian Influenza Transmission Risk Between Domestic and Wild Birds in China. (Ellis, 2012).
Harrison, Melanie, Biogeochemical Hotspots of Nitrogen Removal in Urban Streams and Riparian Wetlands. (Groffman and Miller, 2011)
Van Meter, Robin, Road Salt Runoff: The Relative Contribution of Direct and Indirect Effects in Pond Food Webs. (Swan, 2011)
Masters of Science: Geography and Environmental Systems
Wernoch, Rylee Catherine. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2024. 31242853. Improving Institutional Partnerships for Science & Stewardship: A Case Study Between the Smithsonian & Black Churches in Baltimore, Maryland ProQuest document link (Biehler, 2024)
Powell, Autumn M. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2024. 31244126. A State that Leaves No One Behind? Erasure of Native Peoples in Maryland & How This Limits Inclusive Environmental & Climate Action ProQuest document link (Holland, 2024)
Finch, Meredith Molly G. S. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2024. 31244143. Planting Money. Exploring the Implications of Federal & State Environmental Justice Policy in Relation to Funding for Green Space Projects in Baltimore Neighborhoods ProQuest document link (Holland, 2024)
Powell, Drew. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2023. 30687235. Use of Trees as Biomonitors to Detect Spatial Patterns in Metal Air Pollution ProQuest document link (Baker, 2023)
Pasion, Valerie Navarro. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2023. 30814356.Beyond Formalization: Legal Empowerment Strategies for Strengthening Indigenous and Afro-Descendant Land Tenure in Ecuador ProQuest document link (Holland, 2023)
Gibson, Selenea Deianira. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2023. 30695809. Economic and Racial Disparities in Air Quality Monitors in Baltimore City, Maryland, and Other Major Metropolitan Cities in the United States ProQuest document link (Mahmoudi, 2023)
Bodman, Mackenzie G. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2023. 30814473. The Trifecta of Environmental Challenges on College Campuses: Waste, Climate Change and Environmental Justice ProQuest document link (Holland, 2023)
Blume, Christopher Phillip. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2023. 30485027. Chiroptera as Biomonitors of Heavy Metal Distribution in Baltimore City ProQuest document link (Biehler, 2023)
Barnhart, Katheryn. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2023. 30991582. Black Duck Habitat Occupancy Trends in the Chesapeake Bay ProQuest document link (Studds, 2023)
Chase, Jason Hamilton. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2023. 30631578.Assessing the Role of Culvert Sediment Storage in an Urbanized Watershed ProQuest document link (Miller, 2023)
Plofkin, Rhonda. Warning Reception, Organizational Trust, and Risk Perception of Vulnerable Populations in the Midwest and Southeast During Tornado Warning Events: ProQuest document link (Halverson, 2023).
Icaza, Gabriela. Interactive effects of consumer exclusion and leaf litter composition on patterns of litter decomposition in a stream ecosystem: ProQuest document link (Swan, 2023)
Gilligan, Emma. Informing Policy: Baltimore City, MD Community Perspectives on Using Tree Shade to Reduce Neighborhood Heat: ProQuest document link (Holland, 2023)
Figueredo, Natalia. Baltimore City’s Participation in the Zero Waste Movement: Who knows what about it and who has access to it?: ProQuest document link v (Holland, 2023)
Torres Vargas, Laura. Gender structured representations of the migrant Venezuelan women in Colombian and Venezuelan Newspapers during 2015-2020: ProQuest document link. (Aufseeser, 2022)
Rastegar, Nava. Using Spiderwebs to Detect Spatial Differences in Metal Air Pollution: ProQuest document link. (Mahmoudi & Hawn, 2021).
McDonald, Lauren. The Role Of Road Salt Deicer And Resource Biodiversity On Aquatic Consumer Feeding Dynamics. (Swan, 2021)
Shobe, Beatriz. The Impact Of Urban Forest Corridors On The Richness Of Urban Bird Populations In Baltimore Forest Patches: ProQuest document link. (Studds, 2021)
Rowlands, D.W. A Nation of Neighborhoods: A Quantitative Understanding of US Neighborhoods and Metropolitan Areas: ProQuest document link. (Mahmoudi, 2021)
Oakland, Hayley. Studying Water from the Air: Using new measures of aquatic habitat to assess stream restoration outcomes: ProQuest document link (Baker, 2020)
Everton, Erin. Photosynthetic Plant Stress in Urban Vacant Lots: ProQuest document link (Swan, 2020)
Maffei, Clare. Relationships between vegetation and pollinator communities in established meadows in agricultural landscape: ProQuest document link (Swan, 2019)
Baker, Joel Robert. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2019. 13866095. Community Engagement in Mosquito Abatement: ProQuest document link (Biehler, 2019)
Cunningham, Daniel. University of Maryland, Baltimore County ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2019. 13879813. Evaulating Forest Cover and Fragmentation in Costa Rica With a Corrected Global Forest Map: ProQuest document link (Fagan, 2019)
Metes, Marina. A lidar-based approach to measure channel incision in headwater streams in an urbanizing landscape: ProQuest document link (Miller, 2018).
Jepsen, Rikke. Patterns of detrital biofilm metabolism in urban and nonurban stream environments when exposed to selected pharmaceuticals: ProQuest document link (Swan, 2018)
Clifton, Zach. Using detailed topographic analysis to understand spatiotemporal patterns of floodplain hydraulics and sediment deposition: ProQuest document link (Baker, 2018)
Binau, John Brooks. Urban Farms in Baltimore City: A foodshed and foodscape analysis. (Holland, 2017)
Chang, Jason. Spatial Relationships between Block Parks and Crime in Baltimore City: ProQuest document link (Ellis, 2017)
Connell, Eileen. Migratory Connectivity of a Songbird: Population Genetics Reveal the Wintering Locations of the American Redstart: ProQuest document link (Studds, 2017)
Ralston, Katherine. Baltimore forest stewards and the urban forest. (Baker, 2017)
Miller, Katelyn. Latin@ Immigrant Influence on an Urban Foodscape. (Holland, 2015)
Mayo, Jennifer. An Analysis of the Housing Market Typology in Baltimore City. (Holland, 2015)
Gordon, Lindsey. Globalizing a Classic Study of Agricultural Intensification: Turner et al. (1977) Revisited (Ellis 2015)
Branum, Tiffany. Bringing Public Back: Exploring Problems and Possibilities in Public Market Redevelopment at Union Terminal Market. (Biehler, 2014)
Donovan, Mitchell, Quantifying Remobilization of Legacy Sediment from Maryland Piedmont Floodplains. (Miller and Baker, 2014)
Schall, Daniel, The Chickens’ Grain: Understanding Contestations around Land-Use Best Practices on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. (Lansing, 2014)
Shamer, Sierra, The Outcomes of Translating Neoliberal Environmental Theory: A Critical Analysis of Payments for Ecosystem Services. (Holland and Lansing, 2014)
Bieberich, Joe, The Independent and Interactive Roles of Spatial Variation and Dispersal on Zooplankton Metacommunity Structure. (Swan, 2013)
Jones, Dan, Examining Development Induced Geomorphic Change through time using Multi-temporal LIDAR-derived Digital Elevation Models. (Baker and Miller, 2013)
Newton, Meridel, Perceptions of Wind Power, Community, and Renewable Energy Landscapes. (Biehler and Lansing, 2013)
St. Pe, Alexandra, Examining Multidecadal Relationships between the Saharan Air Layer and Large Scale Atlantic Hurricane Environment. (Halverson, 2013)
Martin, Haley. Effects of Disturbance and a Dominant Consumer on Stream Community Assembly: Experimental and Observational Evidence. (Baker and Swan, 2012)
Panunto, Matthew. Effects of River Valley Segment Sequencing on Floodplain Hydroperiods. (Baker, 2012)
Simini, Christina. (Baker 2012)
Thomas, Janel, A Multi-Scale Observational Analysis of Factors leading to Hurricane Earl’s Rapid Intensification. (Halverson, 2012)
Antill, Erica. A Biogeographical Study of the American Chestnut: An Evaluation of Intentional Introgression and a Spatial Analysis of Chestnut Habitat in Maryland. (Lewis, 2011)
Li, Jennifer. The Role of Elevated Dissolved versus Foliar Nitrogen on Leaf Litter Processing in Stream Ecosystems. (Swan, 2011)
Krieg, Judith. M.S. in Geography & Environmental Systems, (Miller 2011)
Masters of Science: Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences (MEES)
DePalma, Carrie. The Influence of Eastern Hemlock Decline on Organic Matter Processing, Invertebrate Community Structure and Consumer-Resource Interactions in Streams (Swan, 2008)
Jones, Josh. Interactions between Riparian Forest Restoration and Tree Biodiversity on Litter Breakdown in Stream Ecosystems (Swan, 2008).