Environmental Job and Internship Opportunities
Internship/Job Opportunities
Ranger Diana from April's Professional Panel Meeting has passed along some links for internships and jobs that students can apply to. The links that have been shared are for the Chesapeake Conservation Corps, Maryland Conservations Job Corps, Maryland Conservations Corps, and Student Conservation Association. If interested, please check out the attached links!
If you have any questions, please email Eddie at eallocc1@umbc.edu for more information!
Chesapeake Conservation Corps - https://cbtrust.org/chesapeake-climate-corps/
Maryland Conservation Job Corps - https://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/pages/cjc.aspx
Maryland Conservation Corps - https://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/pages/mcc.aspx
Student Conservation Association - https://www.thesca.org/
Posted: April 18, 2023, 2:06 PM