The Environmental Science Lab was completed during Summer 2003. This 24-seat lab is the primary staging ground for laboratory and field exercises in a variety of courses including GES 408 Field Ecology, GES 406 Aquatic Ecology, and GES 404 Forest Ecology. Additionally the facility is utilized by undergraduate students as they conduct independent research projects with GES Faculty.
Facilities & Equipment include:
- Spectrophotometer
- Balances
- Soil Temperature Probes
- Dissolved Oxygen Probes
- pH Meters
- Conductivity probes
- Marsh-McBirney Flow Meters
- Plant Growth Unit
- HACH Water Testing Kits & Field Spectrophotometer
- Muffles Furnace
- Drying Ovens
- Nikon SMZ800 Stereomicroscope with digital imaging
- Diurnal Growth Chamber
- Berlese Funnels for soil fauna extraction
- Hess, Surber, D-net & Drift samplers for aquatic
insect collection - Three PC’s running Windows XP
- Ethernet access at each lab bench